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  • In this multimedia, telematic performance, data from playing a Tibetan singing bowl filled with milk was transformed into sound and images. The imagery then projected onto a screen are abstract digital graphics, which are originally images of
  • ... beneath the surface utajené priestory pod povrchom the sound of footsteps on stone zvuk krokov po kameni the slow echo of the bells stále _írej_ie echo zvonov rhythms escaping from passing vehicles rytmy okoloidúcich vozov the voice of the news _erstv_ hlas...
  • ... 3) Part 3 a attraction / architecture / association / algorithm / arresting / angrily b bearings / branch / borderline / bellow / border / breathing / bobbin / breakdown / beauty c code / controls / change / clue / countersign / clamour / chirp / claim /...
  • ... gradually transform into the “Great Image” from The Book of Daniel in the Bible, with a golden head, a silver body, a bronze belly, iron legs, and feet that are partly made of iron and partly of clay. Each body is curled up like a fetus with a bowed head,...
  • ... beast 666 is marked upon her forehead and right hand. Therefore, images of different parts of “Eve Clone”, such as head, chest, belly, legs, and feet are contrasted to the texts taken from the chapters written about “Great Image” in the Book of Daniel. The bold...
  • ... skin tone, metal-like color, holograph-like green, and a body depicting the Great Image with golden head, silver body, bronze belly, iron feet, and half-iron, half-clay feet, the body rotating 360° and changing shape. Because of the 3D visual illusion, Eve...