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  • Christa and Laurent Corona Diary © 2020, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau developed for the Pushkin Museum, 2020 This movie was produced for the Pushkin Museum project "100 Ways to live a Minute". It shows the artists Christa Sommerer & Laurent
  • GARDEN CONCEPT In the context of the Regional STARTS Centers in Greece, the non-profit platform for social innovation projects MADE GROUP, with the support of the Athens Tech College and the Cultural Association of Archilochus of Paros, sets the
  • “Making of Eve Clone II” extracts a black-and-white grid image of the merged faces of Eve Clone and the Vitruvian Man from “Making of Eve Clone I”. This interactive installation learns to mimic human facial expressions through audience
  • After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans and Eve Clone — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar
  • Description on What if we could feel on our bodies the presence of others at a distance? Haptic Field is a participatory multi-sensory installation merging contemporary fashion, wearable technology and an exploration of the senses
  • In the video Making of Eve Clone I, I looked back and represented the process of me creating Eve Clone and the evolution of her body in each period. From the original drafting of Eve Clone, which recorded my inspiration of drawings, to using
  • “It suits me well" is a video installation, a recording of a private performative act. After being digitized via Photogrammetry, the artist’s body UV map (the image of the skin and body details that wraps around the virtual model of the body) has
  • This series of artworks contemplates the screen and its origins. My time in the villages of Southeast Asia has shown me an array of organic resources that can be formed into papers. I've researched naturally-occurring translucent materials and have
  • The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal
  • Biomer Skelters (“biome” + “helter-skelter“) is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a city-wide public artwork by connecting participants’ interior biorhythms to exterior urban ecosystems.