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  • ... spaces surrounding ports and canals as territories of concrete and steel. These spaces have also become imbricated with our digital environments. Information systems are based on similar modern notions of networks, information packaging, and...
  • ... us. The technical means are so advanced and ready for use that we can be observed and recognised at every turn. We live in a digital totalisation that is eroding democratic foundations. Many give up privacy and data protection for promises of security....
  • ... penetrates our world. It is a sequence of art experiments in diverse forms i.e audio-visual piano concerts, installations, digital paintings, Digital sculptures and soundtrack releases – that attempt to substantiate and visualise sonic data, Using OSC/MIDI...
  • ... or non-mainstream EDM events. In doing so he combined his interest in contemporary electronic bass music with concepts in Digital Cinema and Synergetic Geometry. His music video work and live visual (VJ) performances were informed by a synthesis of these...
  • ... metaphor of an epicurean garden, a dynamic place where logos, speech and dialectics are remodeled with the use of machines. The digital environment serves as the main forum where interactive code-based works like ‘The Oratory Machine‘ (a computer programmed in...
  • ... throughout the entire exhibition space, which was made possible by the use of mesh wrapping and perspective technology for digital images. Videos featuring large, bold fonts slowly flow outwards, gradually expanding, and then they start to emit light. With...
  • ... could be considered as human values. The neuro-designed shapes, produced by individual visitors, become named and numbered digital 3D models: FREEDOM 0001, FREEDOM 0002… FREEDOM 000X. Each numbered item is an artwork registered on the Blockchain. At the...
  • ...The six two-dimensional, digital print works Making of Eve Clone Portraits IAR, are extensions of Portrait of Eve Clone and Making of Eve Clone II. They convey that the facial proportions and poses of Eve Clone are similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s portrayal of a woman,...
  • ...Making of Eve Clone Portraits IMR is a continuous series of the Making of Eve Clone I video, extending the digital images of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Eve Clone into a real space. The viewer, is invited to put on an MR(Mixed Reality)helmet, will be surprised to find...
  • ... and rings (zero). This reduction is in reference to the basic binary logic of one and zero or ON and OFF which underlies all digital computations. The “Reflections” series culminates a decade of research into the phenomenological nature of visual perception....