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  • ... further ahead – it could be described as the first data-driven dictatorship. Its digital social credit system is to be exported...
  • ... seemingly unbounded acoustical spaces. CHAOS [Sonata 1.0] is Driven by the primary principles of randomness and improvisation, the...
  • Geode - video
    ... creating the sculpture’s metamorphosis between various sound-driven, geometric patterns. The sound data directly affects the intensity...
  • ... installation, is a 360 degree fully immersive, neurologically driven performance that took place on May 18, 2016, ISEA 2016 Hong Kong...
  • ... to the prospect of inaccurate visual assumptions that can drive us to understand new possibilities. A piece with pleasing...
  • ... the slightest movement of the head or of parts of the face drives them off. The portraits are thus in constant flux, they...
  • ... the web for personal and classified information about myself. Google, Face book, Wikipedia, Instagram are hacked and ransacked. As... The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign...
  • ... level, then the central mind, the informational context that drives this change, might be rediscussed. We tend to consider that...
  • ... the world tells where to go in order to meet. The semantically driven encounter is amplified, not only by the fact that we are...
  • ... dimensions variable. Life-sized pictures of people found on Google's Street View were printed and posted without authorization at...