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  • ... Murmuring Fields is an instrument played with the body. The camera of the...
  • ... interactively accessed from two videodisc players and the virtual image is generated by an...
  • ... large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space....
  • ... audio, and data were collected. The playback system required several laserdisc...
  • ... the Internet in a more intuitive, playful and entertaining fashion. While two users...
  • Quarxs - video
    ... each). Persiflage of science shows on TV, playful and fantastic exploration of digital...
  • ... "The Living Room" thus metaphorically plays with ideas of surveillance, detection,...
  • ... texts in the work explored puns, word plays and poly-valent language. The material...
  • A memorial - and a warning - for the Jasmine Revolutions of the 2011 Arab Spring. A soft rain of jasmine flowers promises freedom - but the viewer is trapped in a golden cage.
  • ... publiques comme des partitions musicales, qui en fait des cocktails musicaux que...