Archive Search

  • A-Volve - video
    ... (after "Interactive Plant Growing") in the search of "Natural Interfaces" and "Real-Time Interaction"
  • ... can furthermore interact with these data through intuitive interfaces and explore their content in more detail. "The Living Web"...
  • ... gestion en temps réel et a paramétré les interactions pour les interfaces, construite par la société V.P.L., casque de visualisation...
  • ... provide us with an electronic ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can...
  • ... landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and data extend gestures beyond the boundaries of the body,...
  • ... offer the space of Caves to provide ways of being amplified by interfaces which place us into aesthetic experiences inside...
  • ... computing" [1], "wearable computing" [2], "robotic user interfaces" [3] and tactile interfaces for handheld devices [4],...
  • M2 video
    ... appratuses, revealed by the presence of performer/operators interfaced to this equipment as well as confront both live and tape...
  • URnotHere - video
    ... that confronts the hyperlocative discourse of social media interfaces. It challenges us to create a new geography of nomadic...
  • ... control, points or handles. Commands less destructive. Big brains in the selection and elimination. The Capital: Extremely long...