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  • ... sound to explore the way hidden systems in the contemporary city...
  • ... and recorded in digital coding systems. The footage is displayed in...
  • ...A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media...
  • SKIN - video
    ... are further transmitted to a computer in order to transform the...
  • ... PAROS/GREECE. ‘It refers to computerized practices in politics, which... wetlands and marine ecosystems. An Association with history,... PAROS/GREECE. ‘It refers to computerized practices in politics, which...
  • ... sit or lie in front of your (computer) screen and look at the ongoing...
  • ... program. In return, a hidden computer analyses data and plays the...
  • ... as its user interface. In both systems, users evolve a...
  • ... as sound and voice recognition systems. When the various users start...
  • ... eradicating everything in the computer until there is only one left....