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  • ... housing, information units) and childhood (puzzles,...
  • ... humans are the center of the universe. Moreover, it represents the...
  • ... the work. Each performance is unique and constitutes a singular...
  • ... the work. Each performance is unique and constitutes a singular...
  • ... housing, information units) and childhood (puzzles,...
  • VR Aquarium - video
    ... of Natural Sciences of the University of Caxias do Sul. The...
  • ... of Natural Sciences of the University of Caxias do Sul to...
  • ... Germany, Great Britain, the United States, and Yugoslavia.
  • Grass - video
    ... dissertation at The Ohio State University in 1974. For further...
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual