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  • GENMA - video
    GENMA is a machine, that enables us to manipulate 'Nature'. Nature exemplary is represented as artificial nature of a micro scale: abstract amoeboid artificial three-dimensional forms and shapes. Principles of artificial life and
  • HAZE Express - video
    HAZE Express is an interactive computer installation that develops the metaphor of traveling and watching landscapes passing by through the window of vehicles such as trains, cars and air planes. When looking at a landscape at high speed, one does
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    PICO_SCAN is an interactive installation that allows users to measure and capture their users various body data and links them to the creation and evolution of artificial life creatures. The PICO_SCAN system consists of 5 PICO_SCANNER interface
  • OSMOSE - video
    An immersive interactive virtual-realty environment installation with 3D computer graphics and interactive 3D sound, a head-mounted display and real-time motion tracking based on breathing and balance. Osmose is a space for exploring the perceptual
  • Éphémère - video
    Ephémère is iconography evolved through Davies' long-standing practice as a painter, and, as in Osmose, is grounded in 'nature' as metaphor: archetypal elements of root, rock, and stream etc. recur throughout. In Ephémère however,
  • A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance Ceremony in Whitehall, London. A young man ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the
  • In Telematic Dreaming (1992) a live telematic video installation linking two sites first exhibited at the legendary Koti Exhibition in Kajaani, Finnland, a bed is the medium for high definition images: images of a partner, perhaps many thausands of
  • Virtuscope - video
    VirtuscopeArtist: Paul SermonComment:
  • MURMURING FIELDS – WALK-IN SOUND SPACE 1997–1999 As part of the EU funded eRENA Project (Electronic Arenas for Art, Culture Entertainment), Fleischmann und Strauss and the MARS lab created Murmuring Fields (1997-99), a sequel to Home of the Brain,
  • VIRTUAL BALANCE: LOOKING WITH THE FEET 1994 Understanding interactivity in cyberspace as a seamless experience rather than a clickable one, Virtual Balance borrows from the myth of the magic carpet to move through data. The magic carpet, popularized