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  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... enter in the void of the landscape and incite illusions of the senses by the...
  • ... I saw the future" has also not been included on the corresponding website.
  • ... of nature. Life-sized human body parts (incidentally casts of my own body), impaled upon...
  • ... not just the ones closest to the angle of incidence. The computer generates nearly two...
  • ... getting of it a new visual discourse by incorporating new execution capabilities,...
  • ... novel design strategies for interaction, including the dynamic delineation of tracks,...
  • ... A Walk in the City [2016] This video also includes an abstract cameo of one of my oldest...
  • ... practices, striving for social inclusion and shared authority through interactive...
  • ...Artist Statement: "Increased use of sensor technologies, big data, algorithms, surveillance, monitoring...
  • Mercury - video
    ... visualization of so-called reality. This includes the fusion of man with his tool—the...