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  • ... and kinesthetic thrill. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • ... become performers themselves. Find more information about this work under the following links: ...
  • ... become performers themselves. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • ... whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a villain. As such this work is an investigation of the nature of doubt. The work is part of a...
  • ... and control of societies. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • ... and control of societies. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • Alpha Blend - video
    ... blending pictures of people who have recently looked at the work. A game of "reverse puppetry" ensues, where a portrait from the...
  • ...In this interactive laser-disc-based work the viewer has to push a protruding steel bar to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn...
  • Decidophobia - video
    ... Instead Elke Reinhuber offers to see for yourself in her work for five screens: Decidophobia. In the panoramic video...
  • ... keep a snapshot of her or himself within the 3D panorama. This work is exploring the third dimensional representation of video...