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  • ... a mirror cylinder located in the centre of the projection, the image sequence is reconstructed and therefore becomes recognizable to...
  • ... introduces the main theme — a poetic text, music, and a set of images that relate to language play in the text. The sections Key/Code,...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... can feed on these color values provided by the users video image.
  • ... created with audiovisual devices by means of electronic image. The work comprises five modules that generate a visual forms...
  • Koffer - video
    ... 1993] A video is projected into a suitcase. The source image is the well-known photo depicting Anna and Sigmund Freud in...
  • ... and multi-user interaction. Home to layers of performance, image, sound, text and interactivity, the dome space transforms into...
  • ... and multi-user interaction. Home to layers of performance, image, sound, text and interactivity, the dome space transforms into...
  • Brainwash - video
    ...In Brainwash the actor and audience watch the turning of a black and white striped drum. This drum is both an early cinematic zoetrope and a...
  • Water Wheel - video
    ... music explored through loop duration permutations, generative image juxtapositions explored through loop duration permutations
  • ... into the imaginary world of virtual water gardens. The image of "Eau de Jardin" consists of a triptych, a three-sided...