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  • ... the people using the playing surface. This means the outcomes of this CMY-RGB framework are picked up and recorded in digital coding systems. The footage is displayed in pure RGB coding on the huge LED facade of the festival building. But before this...
  • ... Random... Pushing images. Documentary, 3D tangential and irrelevant from documentalistic images. Industrial age theory meets digital age technology” Der Arbeiter ist das Instrumentum vocale und unterscheidet sich dadurch vom Tier, dem Instrumentum...
  • ...transferring, storing, sharing, and hybriding: Text_version, 2011 The digital-information-storage inheritance of generations and nations: I have considered all the possible scenarios of events as large databases and reality as a process of hybridization, transduction...
  • ... 2010 Hybrid-DNA-Performance-Bio-installation, 16'23", stereo 4:3 color Information culled from digital archives, the human genome, satellite feeds, and data banks comprise the cultural fertilizer that this work proposes. It...
  • ... space) AL GRANO: Corn Regime (film short) AL GRANO: Crop Cropping (interactive app) AL GRANO: Hack (glitched, or corrupted digital photos of GM corn) AL GRANO: Injection-Infection (sculptures produced with a 3D printer) AL GRANO: Sugar Daddy (looped video...
  • Geode - video
    ... Gate) and is visualized through networked video projections. These projections are made by transforming analog signals into digital data in real-time, thus creating the sculpture’s metamorphosis between various sound-driven, geometric patterns. The sound...
  • ... of the land to guide the exploration, so they built and launched a helium balloon-kite made of Mylar and fishing line with a digital camera attached. The high-resolution-image panoramas were then stitched together using Hugin open-source software. The UCSB...
  • ... A siddhi is mystical clairaudience and clairvoyance, powers now enabled due to enhanced technologies." Source:
  • ... singing bowl filled with milk was transformed into sound and images. The imagery then projected onto a screen are abstract digital graphics, which are originally images of nuclear explosions and radiation burns. Pearlman and Molochevski portray the balance...
  • ... in their presentation. Using a tool for computer-based perception of reality (augmented reality) the artists place another digital layer over the two-dimensional picture of the real exhibitional space and point once again to the complexity of vision: The...