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  • The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology. Structures of molecules are generated real-time according to the movements of the viewers eyes during their interaction. The viewer wears a pair of
  • The second major interactive installation was entitled The Exquisite Mechanism of Shivers (1993). It should be noted that many of Seaman's works were shown in different states and /or alternate contexts. Each version of the work informs other
  • Lorna - video
    LORNA 1979-1983 A.D. A.D. "A precondition to video is that it does not talk back. It absorbs, rather than reflects." Preliminary Notes, 1981 While video was like a reflection that did not talk back, interactive works were like a trick, two
  • ... networks simulate the human neurological system, and deal with...
  • This work needs time. Time to stand, sit or lie in front of your (computer) screen and look at the ongoing disintegration of the never ending Google image search. The result of this disintegration are abstract moving images, which run across the
  • ... began its mission in 2003, and officially terminated in 2009. The...
  • 2002/03 tangible communication device "Mobile Feelings" is an artistic project that explores the ambivalence of sharing personal information with an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile
  • "The work series entitled netropolis is an exploration of the way global cities will develop in the future. Of similar magnitude to the impact of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information
  • This interactive installation generates traces of two participants' eye tracking. The participants experience an almost "haptic" kind of communication based on their own visualized eye tracking. In this process, their organic eye trace construct
  • Visit-US (2005, 1 minute, digital animation) Visit-US explores the ways in which national border controls have been updated and expanded through the use of digital technology and electronic surveillance. The transition from an emphasis on physical