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  • ...Augmented Reality public art project, 4-channel video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of Lehel...
  • ...This interactive installation generates traces of two participants' eye tracking. The participants experience an almost "haptic" kind of...
  • ...An interactive installation that features a dynamically growing collection of cellphone images visually sequenced according to contributors'...
  • ... not a mechanical device programmed to expand pleasure but an interactive system between humans and machines which transforms... Java and was produced by Master in Digital Art, School of Fine Arts, Athens. First performance was presented at :Digital Art Lab,...
  • Eye contact - video
    ...Eye Contact is the first piece of the Shadow Box series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows...
  • ... Silicon Graphics Iris 4D/25. Afin de permettre la visualisation interactive, le nombre des polygones constitutifs de chaque vue a été...
  • ...Playing Alphabet is an interactive installation composed of two computer keyboards. All alphabet letters are used to be heard in the same time,...
  • ...Through a poetic approach, Kymapetra is a sonorous interactive artwork which pay a special attention to certain minerals and stones : their...
  • ...Augmented Fish Reality is an in process interactive installation of rolling robotic fish-bowl sculptures designed to explore interspecies and...
  • ...Glories of Accounting is an interactive installation with a surveillance system that detects the position of the public in the exhibition room....