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  • ... by a series of inputs. Visitors can then transverse the internet's data... input from two different users....
  • ... and a video-hologram. The user can recombine more than 1000 audio and... and a video-hologram. The user can recombine more than 1000 audio...
  • ... is a machine that allows the user, through interaction with a panel...
  • ... enclosed environments users can enter, and which are also portals... While the Panoramic Navigator used the real environment as its frame...
  • ... activities. Visitors can freely move their gazes anywhere in... surround-sound system. The user interface, developed specifically...
  • ... in the City v02 is on Acevedo’s Youtube Channel:...
  • ... research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. The videos... Where are you from?_Stories, 2002-2009, is a net-art piece supported by a one-year... an integrative approach in its use of media and documentary practices,...
  • ... was performed in Hong Kong and Canada, it reflects on the 10th...
  • ... the Robert Heinecken Trust, the Canada Council for the Arts, and by a... human and natural resources. I use food as material and as subject to...
  • ... places. A dancer performs in Canada, her movements are shown on two...