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  • ... diffusion, perlin, particle systems and fractal flame equations. uation," 2010 Aerostat, 5 HD projectors, 7 computers, custom software 14m / 48'...
  • ... which living beings are seen as systems that produce themselves, or... projector, proximity sensor, computer running custom face-tracking...
  • ... late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information...
  • ... of a conveyor belt with a computerized scanner that records and... of a conveyor belt with a computerized scanner that records and...
  • ... display with built-in computerized surveillance system 41.14... display with built-in computerized surveillance system 41.14...
  • ... virtual access points. Computer networks and databases have...
  • ... visitors are tracked with a computerized infrared surveillance... the danger of surveillance systems that typecast and try to detect... "Subtitled Public," 2005 computer, custom software, camera, projector variable...
  • ... Surveillance monitor, embedded computer, infrared sensors, robotic...
  • ... while her voice was analyzed by computers that controlled a full rig of...
  • ... of projected three-dimensional computer graphic and video images,...