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  • EVE is a research and development project initiated at the ZKM Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. It encompasses the conceptual and technical development of a new form of interactive immersive visualisation environment
  • ... the result of their distant partner's actions. Each player could...
  • Royal Road - video
    ... version of Going to the Heart of the Centre of The Garden of...
  • Golden Calf - video
    This work is constituted by a white pedestal on which there stands an LCD colour monitor connected to computing machinery by a cable running through the pedestal. The viewer of this work picks up and holds this monitor in his hands. The screen shows
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual
  • ... developed at the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany....
  • ... generated. In other words the artwork changes from being merely a...
  • ...The Net.Art Browser is a means of conjoining information space with the museum...
  • This version of Heavens Gate uses the original video material of this work, but presents it in a somewhat different viewing situation. By means of digital post-processing this video material has been anamorphically deformed, and is projected onto a
  • ...World Skin is an interactive artwork presented for the first time at Ars...