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  • ... 3-D model of the terminal passage runs inside the online virtual...
  • ... provide live video feed of passers-by on both sides. Approaching...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... or slowness: extreme motion through darkness, water, snow,...
  • ... the side of the cube, it passes through into a new box of the...
  • ... its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In a...
  • ... An algorithm is set in motion which brings together face and...
  • ... are virtually closer to people motivated by similar content, but also...
  • ... Daylight fades, night falls and passes, and at dawn, when the falling...
  • Latent State - video
    ... media in live performance. My motivation in exploring the form of...
  • Rigid Waves - video
    ... of dispossession that leaves motility as compensation for the loss...