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  • ... 2011 HD single channel video, 05min 31sec stereo 16:9 black/white Written by Marcello Mercado Music by Marcello Mercado...
  • ... pure observance of a conserved and continuosly repeating image reality; entrance into illusory spaces through a projected door,...
  • ... the projection creates three-dimensional distortions of the image, which reshape the real space. The projection itself is...
  • ... pedestrian area out to neighboring villages at the edge of the Black Forest. The entire tram system was shot in both directions...
  • ...ue d’une série sur la création vidéo. La machine à produire de l’image, entre négation et extension de l’humaine condition.
  • ...SphèrAléas Tridimensional interactive / sound / image installation SphèrAléas is made of a half-spherical structure and of an evolutionary...
  • Retelling - video
    ...Fragments of the image "At the Bar" are continuously re-ordered each time resulting in a new composition. With George Legrady's artistic...
  • ... share the interactive manipulation of a computer-generated image that is projected onto a large screen in front of them. The...
  • ... wall, their shadows are recorded and return to this same image as eerie figures in the foreground and background that move...
  • ... era - specifically during the Civil Rights Movement. Using a black pigmented wax, Hershman's portrait is reconstructed with a dark...