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  • ... in the survey, and their suggestions were incorporated into the concept. Research and...
  • ... The Divine Narcissus. The installation included two live video cameras, one of them...
  • ... not just the ones closest to the angle of incidence. The computer generates nearly two...
  • MovieMovie - video
    ... to materialise the projected images. This including the inflation of white balloons and...
  • ...The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology....
  • ... through virtual touch and body sensations including smell and sweat using specially designed...
  • ... of the photo. The speed of panning is increasing. At a certain speed, parts of the photo...
  • Mercury - video
    ... visualization of so-called reality. This includes the fusion of man with his tool—the...
  • ... calligraphic video effects vary and include dynamics of water, smoke, shockwaves or...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... and people pass by the viewer. They include titles, authors and keywords. Documents in...