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  • ... online for universal access. © Jeffrey Shaw the ZKM Karlsruhe, Lancaster University, Manchester University and...
  • Place-Hampi - video
    ... projection system, invented by Jeffrey Shaw in 1995, and which for the...
  • ... of its many immigrant communities. Melbourne also has the...
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual
  • Pentimento - video
    ... detailing the discovery of an unidentified body in bushland on the...
  • ...The Panoramic Navigator is a uniquely new interactive multimedia information...
  • ... a monetary policy based on free universal credit without interest. Gift...
  • ... made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and data extend...
  • ... Open Sky Campus allowing City University of Hong Kong, School of...
  • ... along the Parkway, created a unique dynamic light formation in the...