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  • ... technology, science, architecture and culture. The project is available MMB Architectonic-multimedia installation, MMB Virtual Application and MMB Net-version. The Multi Mega Book in the Cave was developed for CAVE: Cave...
  • ... became economically more efficient. Today, we are at the end of Industrialisation as we know it. Today we are dealing with virtual values and an established knowledge economy. All products are interconnected into systems. These systems, from Bitcoin to...
  • eavesdrop - video
    ... The user's interaction with the material and the viewing audience creates a communal imagination of the actual and the virtual, a portal from what is to what might be. Eavesdrop is a Rubik's cube of cinematic experience, a kind of jigsaw...
  • Life Spacies - video
    ... evolutionary forms and images. "Life Spacies" enables visitors to integrate themselves into a 3 dimensional complex virtual world of artificial life organisms that react to the visitors body movement, motion and gestures. The artificial life...
  • ... or drawing on a piece of paper on the pedestal of the installation. These writings or drawings soon transform into living virtual beings. When writing and drawing with the new Hermès Nautilus pen, the thoughts and inspirations of the visitors first become...
  • ... TV construe images inside a fixed frame, the notion of 'augmented reality' that accompanied the development of the virtual reality technologies offers the new paradigm of a mobile viewing window that reveals images that are spatially embedded in...
  • ... cylindrical mirror, the anamorphic distortion of the projected image is optically corrected, so as to present a coherent virtual representation of the original material to the viewer. The recurrent references to Baroque ceiling paintings in Heavens Gate,...
  • ... of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile Feelings" lets people communicate with strangers through virtual touch and body sensations including smell and sweat using specially designed mobile phones. As opposed to application-based...
  • ...Live dance performance with realtime interactive 3D virtual world as stage set. The dance performance "In the Land of Babari-an" is an inner journey in which the dancers, Shinichi Iova-Koga and Ishide Takuya, incorporate their own East/West experiences with the...
  • ANGELS - video
    ...The First Immersive Virtual Reality Movie. "ANGELS" was conceived at MIT & developed at the Hitlab in Seattle. It was completed in December 1991 and recorded on video in January 1992. This revolutionary movie was programmed for the 3 senses: visual, audio and touch,...