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  • Making of Eve Clone Portraits IMR is a continuous series of the Making of Eve Clone I video, extending the digital images of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Eve Clone into a real space. The viewer, is invited to put on an MR(Mixed Reality)helmet, will
  • Decidophobia - video
    The current quarrel between neuroscientists and moral philosophers about whether there is a free will or only a surrogate thereof provided by the subconscious cannot be settled easily. Instead Elke Reinhuber offers to see for yourself in her work
  • With this work Elke Reinhuber is imagining a world in which only robots are extant. They are continuously repeating the phrases which they learned while humans were only wondering how our planet could be saved. The immersive installation lures the
  • ... the double identities of Eve Clone, who...
  • Images of our brain, captured with the means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), assist neuro-scientists to decipher the mechanisms of our thoughts. With a field intensity of three Tesla, state-of-the-art brain scanners offer a superior
  • Sleep is by no means the tranquil affair we think it is, constant movement between the sheets and a perpetual regulation of body temperature and breathing rate: it’s a wonder we can get any rest from it.
  • Y straight forward? A city-tour guide of a different sort The human eye is an omnivore and so constantly feeding the corresponding brain cells with loads of information. Only later the important is segregated from the insignificant, but far more
  • ... Image with golden head, silver body,...
  • Mixed-reality installation with live and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees of presence, traces of daily gestures and
  • Interactive installation exploring the potential of single-user virtual reality. Rearrangement of multiple subjective camera views captured from the body of an Olympic diver. VR head-mounted display transmitting simultaneous viewpoints and