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  • ... pondered upon actions to carry out in order to save our earth. There are pictures to perceive, as we know them from the media:...
  • ... of Babylon recorded in the Bible “With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have...
  • ... thoughts. With a field intensity of three Tesla, state-of-the-art brain scanners offer a superior resolution. Can processes in the...
  • ... the wintertime and in the summer the sun burns them. These two metallic men in particular stand in the shadows and only tourists or... placed somewhere, soon to be forgotten. In the obscurity of arterial roads and shaggy groves characters of bronze or stone wait to...
  • Sleep is by no means the tranquil affair we think it is, constant movement between the sheets and a perpetual regulation of body temperature and breathing rate: it’s a wonder we can get any rest from it.
  • ... we usually can go back to the latest saved level or just start over again. In real life – we only have rarely the chance to do so...
  • ... pictures of each stage were as follows: human-like skin tone, metal-like color, holograph-like green, and a body depicting the Great...
  • ...ity installation with live and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together,...
  • ... work under the following links:
  • ...Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice... Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice...