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  • Territorism - video
    ... provocative transformation that manifests in projection, in artificial images, is further escalated when toys and games are once...
  • ... upon her forehead and right hand. Therefore, images of different parts of “Eve Clone”, such as head, chest, belly, legs, and feet are...
  • ... it wasn’t until 2007 that video became the main focus of his artmaking. While considering the phenomenology of synesthesia and...
  • Whiteout - video
    Hundreds of transparent white spheres, each embedded with a discrete, programmed, white LED light are suspended from a square grid of steel poles and cabling. They form a luminous white carpet across the Park's central Oval Lawn. The orbs are
  • Tür - video
    ...Interactive computer video installation University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT) Behind the computer-animated door is the "direct video...
  • ... light. With digital spiritual music in the background, the artist creates a kind of immersive space that transcends the print...
  • ... v2 series is strongly tied to the aesthetic of Minimal Art. It reduces its abstract vocabulary to visual representations of...
  • The six two-dimensional, digital print works Making of Eve Clone Portraits IAR, are extensions of Portrait of Eve Clone and Making of Eve Clone II. They convey that the facial proportions and poses of Eve Clone are similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s
  • Making of Eve Clone Portraits IMR is a continuous series of the Making of Eve Clone I video, extending the digital images of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Eve Clone into a real space. The viewer, is invited to put on an MR(Mixed Reality)helmet, will
  • Decidophobia - video
    The current quarrel between neuroscientists and moral philosophers about whether there is a free will or only a surrogate thereof provided by the subconscious cannot be settled easily. Instead Elke Reinhuber offers to see for yourself in her work