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  • Mixed reality installation 'COMBATscience Augmented' reimagines the 2008 multimedia environment 'COMBATscience', realised in cooperation with Cathrin Pichler in the Volkstheater in Vienna, and transforms it into another sensory setting. The life
  • Stage environment (after Douglas R Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach) [English title, The MU Puzzle] A media environment was integrated into the stage design of 'Mu-Rätsel', a theatrical production by Hubsi Kramar, shown in the Schauspielhaus Graz as
  • Der andere BeobachterArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • Facades - video
    Immersive audio-visual animation 'facades' is an audio-visual animation, conceived for performance in a fulldome. Fulldomes are immersive, dome-based projection environments, which – as an interface – allow full and multimodal integration of the
  • Dynamic video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In between' (1999), 'Gegen die Zeit' is another installation for the secularized Johanneskirche in Feldkirch. The video projection depicts a female arm holding either a brush
  • Can we know insects through electronic and artistic interfaces? Do they know us? Can they experience art? Can we develop new relationships with them? I built a miniature museum space and used telepresent technologies to re-scale the situation and to
  • Ovid - video
    Video installation Series 'Bags' A text from the sixth book of Metamorphoses runs from the foreground to the background on a three-dimensional "screen" consisting of 39 shopping bags. The tale of the weaving contest between Pallas Athena and
  • Plüschlove - video
    Videotape [English title, Plush love] Love scenes from two movie classics are rasterized, overdrawn, overstretched and squeezed, slowed down and accelerated by the computer. 'Plüschlove' is a montage of real, digitized (i.e. computer-generated) and
  • Videotape [English title, The dancing and the dead] If YOU, yes YOU, the one I'm addressing, have already photographed corpses and the pried-open skull, that is even now beautiful picturedance of the corpseshots (the camera is moved) a dancer
  • Positionen - video
    PositionenArtist: Ruth SchnellComment: