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  • This computer graphic installation is a telematic adaptation of THE FRUIT MACHINE (1991). The work connects remote locations to enable simultaneous imaging and real time interaction to take place between both sites where the work is installed. It
  • Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,
  • MovieMovie - video
    This expanded cinema performance was specially created for the Experimental Film Festival in Knokke-le-Zoute. It took place in the foyer of the festival building, with the audience sitting on the stairs and balcony. Three performers (Jeffrey Shaw,
  • This work created a collage of fictional events within a museum space by making projected images of the events appear contiguous with the real space and actual situations. The work was constituted by two structural elements: a large projection
  • Inflatable tubing burst through a wall of brick-printed plastic that covered the shop window. This tubing was then taken into the street and used to signal the boundaries of controversial urban renewal planning in this area.
  • The event took place in two adjacent rooms. In the first Shusaku gave a Buto performance on the edge of a raised circular steel construction within which the image of a black bull was painted on the white floor. A video camera pointed at this
  • ... specially by Dirk Groeneveld and evoked certain...
  • In this interactive installation the visual and auditory components of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to
  • A video monitor on the floor faces upwards and over its screen there is a transparent container filled with water. At the center of this container is an opening through which a bubble of air can be electronically released causing the water to ripple
  • In this interactive laser-disc-based work the viewer has to push a protruding steel bar to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn animates the images on its screen. A friction plate forces the viewers to exert themselves physically. Turning