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  • ...This musical composition and immersive installation explores the vibrational and interconnected essence...
  • ... In this way the spectators interactively play with fleeting concentric deformations of...
  • ... of works, E-SCAPE TODAY! proposes to play with this ambiguity between human and...
  • ... interface affects the human body. On display was a reconstruction of the ancient Roman... experience a virtual environment from a bird's-eye or walker's perspective. It requires...
  • ... where if I had repetitive music I could play with the speed of the video and match certain...
  • ... by a generative, location sensitive musical score by Seaman – Duke Media Arts +...
  • ... he stops blowing, the wall continues to play back the most recent breathing pattern,...
  • Territorism - video
    ... connection with the sound, indicating a play on the ground. "The guiding hand and the...
  • ... are porous: the interaction with other players creates a rich social and sensorial...
  • ... work has a series of internal rules that play out different combinatoric strategies, as...