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  • ... runs inside the online virtual world Second... Airport's Terminal One come upon a sculptural...
  • ... drama-tragedy as a play of nature in action. ... making something one's own; and once it...
  • ... the distributed poetry play “Ottos Mops” brings... nomads with cell phones and palmtops. Based on...
  • ... eleven cylinders showing landscape photographs... using its zoom and play buttons, the viewer... panoramas are positioned is marked by a diagram of...
  • GENMA - video
    ... and learn how to create complex forms... is schematically displayed on a touch screen. By...
  • ... of a drone work; however gently punctuated... is EVM. It was a play on EDM and an update of... is more of a drone work; however gently...
  • ... it. This displays a 360-degree immersive... that puts PlaceWorld online for universal access.... present in more than one space at once....
  • ... production of the show, the signals from the... Video Art Prize 1995 online catalog. The... projection opposite. One of the three performances...
  • ... have been shown at various exhibits and... part of the 6-hour online Chapters Gathering... I witnessed one of his presentations on...
  • ... molecules reflect how they view and react to... movements play a major role in the... simply through one's gaze and this gaze...