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  • ... early twentieth century played with the experimentation...
  • ... effusive and clamorous shower of virtual coins then... manipulation of a computer-generated image that is...
  • ... works Making of Eve Clone Portraits IAR, are extensions... viewer can use a tablet computer to interact with Eve...
  • Legible City - video
    ... and more advanced computer visualisation methods.
  • ... is more of a drone work; however gently punctuated with a... acronym is EVM. It was a play on EDM and an update of the... which is more of a drone work; however gently... earliest experiments in computer animation were in 1985-86...
  • ... intercom system of audio playback and recording. Capturing... and translating each one into a series of light...
  • ... “human”. By showing how small changes in a complex system... system the position of one point of a rotating and... Installation using real-time computer simulation. When you depict the...
  • ... (Revelation 13:16)) to show that technological culture is... Eve, and humans want to play God and created a cloned... I named it Eve Clone as God created Eve, and humans want to play God...
  • ... controlled projectors. However, the portraits only... new portraits as old ones are revealed. ------... square. A custom-made computer vision tracking system...
  • ... the same trees; in fact, however, it reenters the same... After finishing the computer animation version of "The Forest",...