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  • ... light onto the cave walls, various dark particles seem to have appeared, looking a bit like isopods. At one point these woodlice...
  • ... sweat using specially designed mobile phones. As opposed to application-based systems in the area of "affective computing" [1],...
  • ... from Silicon Valley to around the world. Their peculiar appearance, unusual for fortune cookies, indicates they are derived...
  • ... inside, then being converted into 2D (QR)Codes which are an apparently neutral way of identifying people and objects. They all...
  • ... itself into a different image. The animation cycles through approximately six different images. With George Legrady's artistic...
  • ...Short excerpt from the 2003 appropriation piece "Last Words," created by pioneering Chinese video artist Zhang Peili and showcased here by...
  • ... turned off, their head held high are still. But when a viewer approaches, the robots start to react. They turn their heads in his...
  • ... state of existence. Here then, technology thus appears to acquire its own justification for existence, which like the...
  • ... monitored as data is dynamically updated. As the spheres approach the border, the transparency of the information highways...
  • Cloud - video
    ... ripple across the space. When completely in sync, the work appears almost solid then suddenly almost invisible. When far out of...