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  • ... utilisé était Explore de T.D.I., implémenté sur une station Silicon Graphics Iris 4D/25. Afin de permettre la visualisation interactive, le nombre des polygones constitutifs de chaque vue a été limité à 10 000 et le nombre des couleurs affichables à 16, sans...
  • ... the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any lateral direction over the surface of its images and zooming in or out of a chosen...
  • The Trace - video
    ... telematic space. The piece consists of vectors, sounds and graphics that respond to the movement of the participants. Two interactive stations are needed for the piece; these are interconnected with a normal ISDN digital line so they can be in the same...
  • ...So.So.So. is an interactive installation by Maurice Benayoun that plunges the onlooker in the middle of the moment the one of photography which reveals a complex network of characteristic signs from our own experience of reality. What the visitor finds with the help of...
  • ..."The Living Room" is an intelligent, interactive image, sound and voice environment. It becomes "alive" and starts to "sense" when users enter and interact with this room. Like in a perfect surveillance system all sounds, voices, gestures and motions of the users...
  • Architext - video
    ... of fragments of words and sentences that appear to weave in and out of the wall of the building. The theater users interactively program this sign, taking titles and texts from performances that are being presented in the theater. Thus the...
  • ..."Body Movies" transforms public space with 400 to 1,800 square metres of interactive projections. Thousands of photo portraits taken on the streets of the cities where the project is exhibited are shown using robotically controlled projectors. However, the portraits...
  • ... for the viewer. Driven by the desire to combine these historic images with modern digital technology and to make them interactively accessible to the users, we have created a virtual reality system that enables interactive real-time integration of...
  • ... the concept of "pure form of pleasure". The Pleasure Machine is not a mechanical device programmed to expand pleasure but an interactive system between humans and machines which transforms pleasure. Is it then possible to pass from the self-possessed body to...
  • ...The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology. Structures of molecules are generated real-time according to the movements of the viewers eyes during their interaction. The viewer wears a pair of virtual reality (VR)...