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  • The augmented reality installation "Carnation Rain" creates a space of remembrance in the Largo do Carmo square, Lisbon. On April 25th, 1974, Largo do Carmo was the site of the outbreak of the "Carnation Revolution" in Portugal. To commemorate this
  • At the Tate Modern, London: This is a permanent augmented reality intervention celebrating Damien Hirst's retrospective exhibition in 2012. The gold coins are a 2012 special edition of the British gold sovereign for Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond
  • In an information-oriented society, the encoding of individual information occurs immediately, almost as fast as the satisfaction of a desire. Our consumption habits, our criminal history, our chronic diseases, even our photographs taken by a
  • Blow Up - video
    Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a
  • Close Up - video
    "Close-up" is the third piece of the ShadowBox series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny videos of other people who have recently looked at the work.
  • Glories of Accounting is an interactive installation with a surveillance system that detects the position of the public in the exhibition room. When someone walks into the room, large hands appear on the screen automatically. The hands rotate along
  • Artificial Life Robotic Sculpture Series The Autotelematic Spider Bots 2006, is a new artificial life robotic installation. It consists of 10 spider-like sculptures that interact with the public in real-time and self-modify their behaviors, based
  • 2002/03 tangible communication device "Mobile Feelings" is an artistic project that explores the ambivalence of sharing personal information with an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile
  • "Shades of Absence: Outside Inside" places silhouettes of artists who have been threatened with arrest or physical violence into the closed curatorial space of the Giardini in Venice. Whether these artists are outsiders or insiders, known
  • This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple