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  • ... musical score by Seaman – Duke Media Arts + Sciences (now Computational Media, Arts and...
  • ...Comestiblemealplan-WeaveArtist: Pat BadaniComment:
  • ... Canada]. The interference of the artist, the biologist or the experimentist in...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... and sound: the performers have microphones and EMG electrodes attached to their bodies.... program at the ZKM (Centre for Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany). Feelings, associations,...
  • ... in association with The Contemporary Art Television (CAT) Fund. A project of The...
  • ... by this cypher system into a new work of art.
  • Water Wheel - video
    Water Wheel(1985), a seven channel installation presented through a circle of monitors, incorporating material from The Water Catalogue Music by Bill Seaman In Water Wheel I was exploring fragments from the linear work The Water Catalogue. A
  • ... and acclaimed composer, partnered with Duke art professor and “recombinant poetics” pioneer...
  • The 'Engine of Engines' is a generative sound & video installation that responds in real-time to network traffic in the local environment. In the Hong Kong debut (see video), sixteen self-contained nodes, each composed of a screen, processing-unit,
  • ... with IMAI institute - Intermedia Art Institute