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  • "This artwork unveiled over 200000 Caymans Islands companies and combined with an aggressive business strategy, it reversed global finance machination for creative subversive agendas. The website promoted the sale of real identities...
  • Installation using real-time computer simulation. When you depict the movement of parts of the human body in a time/value co-ordinate system, you get various wave forms; in the case of repetitive movement, sine waves. During movement, most parts of...
  • Matières sensibles (Sensitive matters) is a serie of sculptures made of very thin and delicate wood veneer sheets. Here the artists use ash wood. These sheets of wood have distinct sonorous touch zones that follow the natural veins of wood. The...
  • Biomer Skelters (“biome” + “helter-skelter“) is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a city-wide public artwork by connecting participants’ interior biorhythms to exterior urban ecosystems.
  • “Shades of Absence: Governing Bodies" Addresses artists who have been censored by - or due to threats by - high members of the U.S. government. Premiered in 2013 at "Manifest:AR," curator Joseph Hale, Corcoran Gallery of Art/Corcoran School of Art...
  • Chromatic Shifts is a dynamic light installation that explores perceptual changes of shape at a cognitive level. Rhythmic pulses of color illuminate ambiguous and “impossible” shapes as they appear to shift between two and three dimensions. Inspired...
  • Data Murmur - video
    The notable Italian political philosopher Franco "Bifo" Berardi recites a random poem of HTML code twice. First on the left of the split screen the camera maintains its distance allowing the bard to enact the poem, his shock of silver hair melting...
  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    I Love Yr GIF is a project based on the culture of the first wave of net art, produced entirely with animated gifs taken from personal collections such as of Jimpunk, Marisa Olson and Superbad. Inspired by the iPad zooming features, here the low tech...
  • During his month-long residency at Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, Warren Neidich made a series of graphic, abstract musical scores, called graphic scores, that used images instead of notes, based upon found newspaper clippings and bits of text. This...
  • Gallinero - video
    Gallinero es una obra audiovisual en donde ocho huevos mantienen una conversación que nunca termina. La obra se presenta escenográficamente como un segmento de gallinero arrancado y traído al espacio expositivo en donde cobra vida. El motor de la...