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  • "Semioptics for Spinoza", 2012 Shadow Object 3 computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino processor, lens projection: 68.9 x 48" / 175 x 122 cm wall mount: 28.4 x 17.3 x 11.8" / 72 x 44 x 30 cm "Semioptics for Spinoza" is the third...
  • “Shades of Absence: Governing Bodies" Addresses artists who have been censored by - or due to threats by - high members of the U.S. government. Premiered in 2013 at "Manifest:AR," curator Joseph Hale, Corcoran Gallery of Art/Corcoran School of Art...
  • "Shades of Absence: Outside Inside" places silhouettes of artists who have been threatened with arrest or physical violence into the closed curatorial space of the Giardini in Venice. Whether these artists are outsiders or insiders, known...
  • Shanghai Express is an interactive installation we developed for the City of Counter Light exhibition at the Shanghai Power Station of Art in November 2013. It allows users to create and interact with digital cityscapes that appear on an interactive...
  • Si poteris narrare, licetArtist: Jean Michel BruyereComment:
  • SKIN - video
    SKIN is an interactive installation, in which visitors have the opportunity to use a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which measures their skin's moisture. The variations of these values are an indication of psychological or physiological...
  • An image is repeatedly sliced, reduced to an abstraction which then re-assembles itself into a different image. The animation cycles through approximately six different images. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Yun Teng assisted with the...
  • Snow Globe was the official email announcement for the Whitney Museum's BitStreams and Data Dynamics show, which ran from March 22 through June 10, 2001. It was a microsite in form of an animated snow globe containing information about the show and...
  • So.So.So. is an interactive installation by Maurice Benayoun that plunges the onlooker in the middle of the moment the one of photography which reveals a complex network of characteristic signs from our own experience of reality. What the visitor...
  • Soft Cinema - video
    Initiated by Lev Manovich in 2002, Soft Cinema project mines the new creative possibilities at the intersection of cinema, software culture, and architecture. Its manifestations include computer-driven installations and films, architectural designs,...