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  • ... which was performed at 5Pointz Art Center in Long Island City, NYC. Video clips...
  • A mixed reality, telematic video installation, which was performed in Hong Kong and Canada, it reflects on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Visuals, movement and sound are combined into hybridized data and sent over a high high speed telematic research
  • In this multimedia, telematic performance, data from playing a Tibetan singing bowl filled with milk was transformed into sound and images. The imagery then projected onto a screen are abstract digital graphics, which are originally images of
  • A telematic performance where the movements of a sensor glove control video, which is reacting to sound from a remote location. The sound is reacting back to the video.
  • A telematic performance with dance, motion tracking, sonic references and video disturbances examining the effects of nuclear radiation.
  • A telematic mixed reality live-time performance between two places. A dancer performs in Canada, her movements are shown on two screens in Indiana, where musicians play in reaction to her movements. The combined visual and sound recordings trigger
  • Time: color - video
    ... spectrum. This installation is part of a series of works in which I investigate the...
  • Mercury - video
    ...In the VR Experience Mercury (2016), artist duo Banz & Bowinkel relocate the viewer on an archipelago...
  • ... of reality (augmented reality) the artists place another digital layer over the...
  • ‚Daemons‘ refers to Vilém Flusser´s ‚Technobildern‘, a philosophy of photography as a new form of communication. Mixing live performance and digital animation, Banz & Bowinkel seek to define the perceptual parameters which depend on the union of the