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  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... consists of 5 PICO_SCANNER interface device and 5 plasma video screens. When the user picks up the PICO_SCANNER and scans along... body data and links them to the creation and evolution of artificial life creatures. The PICO_SCAN system consists of 5...
  • ...The video performance had been presented in Salerno, Italy, during the ARTMEDIA Congress (1992). The space of Paula Verengia's Gallery had... The video performance had been presented in Salerno, Italy, during the ARTMEDIA Congress (1992). The space of Paula Verengia's Gallery had...
  • ... the image of a black bull was painted on the white floor. A video camera pointed at this situation was connected to a computer in...
  • ... three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between... work under the following links:
  • Videotape [English title, The dancing and the dead] If YOU, yes YOU, the one I'm addressing, have already photographed corpses and the...
  • ... three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between... work under the following links:
  • ...The first major interactive work was entitled The Watch Detail (1990). Video images, sound and text that addressed the subject of time were... The media-time of the image could also be explored where a participant could move forward, backward, stay still, as well as move...
  • ...The 'Engine of Engines' is a generative sound & video installation that responds in real-time to network traffic in the local environment. In...
  • ...This version of Heavens Gate uses the original video material of this work, but presents it in a somewhat different viewing situation. By means...
  • ... the Internet, equipped with media streaming and interactive video tools. Though perhaps on different continents, the two saunas... closer to each other than to those just outside the sauna. Participants see their remote co-bathers on the projection screens that...