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  • ... interactive immersive visualisation environment and virtual-reality apparatus. In the centre of a large inflatable dome, two video projectors are mounted on a motorised pan/tilt device (e.g. robot arm) which can move the projected image anywhere over the...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... and evolution of artificial life creatures. The PICO_SCAN system consists of 5 PICO_SCANNER interface device and 5 plasma video screens. When the user picks up the PICO_SCANNER and scans along her body she generates various input data that are specific to...
  • ...The video performance had been presented in Salerno, Italy, during the ARTMEDIA Congress (1992). The space of Paula Verengia's Gallery had been drawned with slides and video projections on the back of the room. An Italian Dancing Company named Compagnia Delle...
  • ... on the edge of a raised circular steel construction within which the image of a black bull was painted on the white floor. A video camera pointed at this situation was connected to a computer in the second room. Here a large video- projection showed a...
  • ...Stage performance with three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between geopolitics and children's games. Internet found-footage combining images of Syrian refugee camps with video game...
  • Videotape [English title, The dancing and the dead] If YOU, yes YOU, the one I'm addressing, have already photographed corpses and the pried-open skull, that is even now beautiful picturedance of the corpseshots (the camera is moved) a dancer (static camera work) life...
  • ...Stage performance with three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between geopolitics and children's games. Internet found-footage combining images of Syrian refugee camps with video game...
  • ...The first major interactive work was entitled The Watch Detail (1990). Video images, sound and text that addressed the subject of time were explored interactively. This work employed Macintosh Hypercard media, that was used to control an interactive laserdisc. Thus the...
  • ...The 'Engine of Engines' is a generative sound & video installation that responds in real-time to network traffic in the local environment. In the Hong Kong debut (see video), sixteen self-contained nodes, each composed of a screen, processing-unit, audio output, and...
  • ...This version of Heavens Gate uses the original video material of this work, but presents it in a somewhat different viewing situation. By means of digital post-processing this video material has been anamorphically deformed, and is projected onto a screen in the center...