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  • Trans Plant - video
    "Trans Plant" is a interactive computer installation, developed by Sommerer & Mignonneau for the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and displayed there for a period of 3 years. In "Trans Plant" visitors enter a semi-circled room and become
  • ... for Computer Art, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung ...
  • EVE is a research and development project initiated at the ZKM Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. It encompasses the conceptual and technical development of a new form of interactive immersive visualisation environment
  • The first interactive moviemap was produced at MIT in the late 1970s of Aspen, Colorado. A gyroscopic stabilizer with 16mm stop-frame cameras was mounted on top of a camera car and a fifth wheel with an encoder triggered the cameras every 10 feet.
  • ... expands one Maxi-Page of the ongoing...
  • In the installation Frontiers of Utopia the visitor is confronted with eight virtual female characters, based on the histories of real women who were born in different periods: 1900, 1930, 1960 and 1990. All eight characters dream of the way in
  • Nano-Scape - video
    This nano-scale sculpture is invisible, just like the Nano-world it comments about. While science and media try to capture images of these tiniest of particles in order to understand their properties, Nano-Scape tries to make this Nano-world
  • Architext - video
    Large LED alphanumeric units are mounted in a 13 x 9 grid on the stage tower of this theater. Like a conventional news sign textual information is scrolled through these elements, but because the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the
  • SonoMorphis - video
    An organic object is projected in front of the visitors. By means of a control mechanism the user can rotate the object in all directions and observe it from various perspectives. Control sliders allow the viewer to vary diverse parameters of the
  • The performance occurs inside a capsule. We may control the avatar of the performer through a remote computer. The distance between the audience and the performer is set to 7 metres. We may type words, wishes or commands from our keyboard directly