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  • ... of textile were electronic components to play and record sounds were embedded into....
  • ... a new audiovisual etude called POWEr Play involving a live-sampled Tesla Coil. The...
  • ... and a customized intercom system of audio playback and recording. Capturing hundreds of...
  • ... it Eve Clone as God created Eve, and humans want to play God and created a cloned Eve. I integrate the...
  • ... work gives them the ability to define a musical score spread over different areas of the...
  • ... reactive. Like for the learning of a musical instrument, people must take time to... intervene on the whole structure by playing with the different variables: order,...
  • ... into a visual instrument as well as a musical one. Much of the visual material is based... performance. In one movement, each note played on the piano contributes to the...
  • ... dances was recorded. A linear text and musical composition become layered with the sound...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... viewpoints in such a way that a musical structure emerges from them. In this way... to users' varying approaches, playing styles, and temperaments in a...
  • ... the emotion streams like the strings of a musical instrument. Their fingertips, tracked by... interactive Internet-based installation playing with data streams, inviting visitors to...