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  • ... There are no limits to one's wishes. The whole... be the repetition of the cells and societies as the...
  • ... fighting fish have excellent eyes which allow them... fighting fish have excellent eyes which allow them to...
  • ... comme musique de téléphone. Mais aussi des sculptures... sculptures géantes comme celle qui occupait l’entrée...
  • Pulse Spiral - video
    ... underneath. Commissioned for the opening of the Center... of leaves and cells in roots for example). The...
  • ... the action of connecting oneself to an emergent network of...
  • ... Memory card are actually one of the smaller devices to... in the market, are the celluloid of our time and in it´s...
  • ... and little stars, one has to move oneself. You have...
  • ... It's a safe space of oneiric creations in which the...
  • ... piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance cameras, live... A performance for cello, grand piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance...
  • Rigid Waves - video
    ... visual echo of one's own movements is...