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  • ... skin-like silicone on which a barcode is carved, react to the audience following its own movement, thus showing the strict connections between human and computerized body. (...) A matrix of sensors, mini lightspots and surveillance cameras are arranged...
  • ... to it the unique patterns of his individual hand lines, thus giving symbolic and experiential expression to the action of connecting oneself to an emergent network of relations. The interactive installation is configured as a distributed network of...
  • ... so much superseded as reformatted, magnified, proliferated and intensified. It is the experience of this new kind of spatial connectivity that gives rise to a revolutionary way of seeing and reconceptualising TV in its aesthetic, physical and semantic...
  • ... modify these magic eyes and added our own surveillance cameras and projection system into them. This allows users of the connected radios to communicate through winking with their eyes while looking into the Magic Eyes of the radios. Contrary to what...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... the discourse around collections of knowledge, because here it is not about – like a classic archive search, which is connected with previous knowledge - about targeted searching, but about browsing and ?nding. This a?rmation of media-savvy sur?ng in...
  • ... In return, a hidden computer analyses data and plays the melody generated with the movements of the lights. Each flower connected to distinct onorities enables it to generate a complex acousmatic universe.
  • ... it. The process of observing this translation and translocation of respiratory activity may prompt the sender to consider the connection between one’s person and the air it exchanges, and, more broadly, the existence of any self independent of the air...
  • ... + “helter-skelter“) is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a city-wide public artwork by connecting participants’ interior biorhythms to exterior urban ecosystems.
  • ... hundreds of millions of TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) of goods are shipped around the world via a network of routes connecting major and minor ports. The ease with which these materials move across borders belies the harsh restrictions on the...
  • Mobile Unit - video
    ... is to provide a fully-fledged networked multimedia environment, which can be set up in any space without a direct Internet connection. This environment should enable people to display, edit and broadcast broadband multimedia information. It should be...