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  • ...Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack,...
  • ...Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack,...
  • ... The piece talks about how the new technologies are... experience. Installation also is provided by...
  • ... and textures within the installation bend and distort to...
  • ... of a monitor that shows a swarm of a few thousand... Portrait on the Fly an interactive installation © 2015, Laurent...
  • ...“It suits me well" is a video installation, a recording of a private...
  • ... perspective on how the world can look through... An augmented reality installation on the fragility of human vision....
  • ... ICC’s light and music show and the duration and frequency... many urban screens and installations. Each artwork is...
  • ... each city- source however, the sound becomes that... Internet-based installation playing with data...
  • ... of the pedestal, showing how many visitors have already... Between The Lines an interactive installation by ©2014 Laurent...