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  • ... Iskandarsjah: "In this age of instant information and global...
  • ...The augmented reality installation "Carnation Rain" creates a space of remembrance...
  • ...An interactive installation that features a dynamically growing collection of... The public is invited to send photos taken on their cell phones adding...
  • ... Their new multimedia video installation "Cell Tango" at Wellesley...
  • ... consists of twelve interactive installations of very diverse...
  • ... audio-visual piano concerts, installations, digital paintings,...
  • ...Chromatic Shifts is a dynamic light installation that explores perceptual changes...
  • Cloud - video
    ..."Cloud" is a monumental kinetic installation hanging suspended in the Great Hall...
  • ...Video installation [English title, 'co-distortion'] In the installation... floor shows a distorted pan shot capturing a mountain panorama. The...
  • ...Mixed reality installation 'COMBATscience Augmented' reimagines the 2008...