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  • GENMA - video
    GENMA is a machine, that enables us to manipulate 'Nature'.

    Nature exemplary is represented as artificial nature of a micro scale: abstract amoeboid artificial three-dimensional forms and shapes.
    Principles of artificial life and...
  • Dynamic video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In between' (1999), 'Gegen die Zeit' is another installation for the secularized Johanneskirche in Feldkirch. The video projection depicts a female arm holding either a brush...
  • Gallinero - video
    Gallinero es una obra audiovisual en donde ocho huevos mantienen una conversación que nunca termina. La obra se presenta escenográficamente como un segmento de gallinero arrancado y traído al espacio expositivo en donde cobra vida. El motor de la...
  • GALLIA - video
    GALLIA (1987-88) is Stenger's first 3D movie, and already displays many of the distinctive features of her future productions: color, rhythm, recurrent sequences and vibrant soundtrack.
  • Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice recognition system, one of the twelve clouds of information on the future of work, education, democracy......
  • Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice recognition system, one of the twelve clouds of information on the future of work, education, democracy......
  • In this installation, an interactive format similar to FOURSPACE (1991) has been developed in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a primary modality of interactivity is chosen as the functional context for a strategy of communication...
  • In the installation Frontiers of Utopia the visitor is confronted with eight virtual female characters, based on the histories of real women who were born in different periods: 1900, 1930, 1960 and 1990. All eight characters dream of the way in which...
  • From Last to FirstArtist: Nina SobellComment:
  • FramedMemoryCard responds to an open serie of unique sculptures that becomes a receipt of digital information where the artist “bury” several files under the sculpture structure. It is defined us an information package hard protected with material...