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  • ...This musical composition and immersive installation explores the vibrational and interconnected essence of the universe. It delves into the...
  • It records choreographies of moving bodies in real space, generating drawings on the electronic screen by different groupings of moving figures. The scenes are recorded by cameras in shots from above and at a distance, transforming the moving bodies
  • ... network 300 km away with the virtual backdrops in the GMD computer pool in Sankt Augustin via a Telekom broadband transmission...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... Each star is an agent that manifests its wish to live in community. The collective life of the stars, following a light source,...
  • A chromatic clock that translates time into colors using 4 sine functions: one for each RGB color + black.
  • ... paradoxical and hybrid drawing/score. These musical staffs become a support system upon which disjointed images and colors are...
  • ...Giving the first impression of a simple commodity sculpture "AutoGene" lures the viewer into a false sense of security which is then at the...
  • ... not just the ones closest to the angle of incidence. The computer generates nearly two thousand simulations of the viewer’s...
  • The Wish - video
    "THE WISH" Narration: "Everything was falling. Then the Waves came. They wrapped houses and entire cities. And with them, came the Ears, and the Eyes. And sometimes a Nose would sit on the kid's dinner. With no homes and no cities, the citizens went