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  • This musical composition and immersive installation explores the vibrational and interconnected essence of the universe. It delves into the dynamic web of waves and resonances that link all matter and energy, permeating all aspects of existence,
  • It records choreographies of moving bodies in real space, generating drawings on the electronic screen by different groupings of moving figures. The scenes are recorded by cameras in shots from above and at a distance, transforming the moving bodies
  • ... image on the large projection opposite. One of the three performances is a Virtual...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    In the center of the landscape, a lake (eye of the earth) is the mirror to a virtual cosmos, where life is designed by the stars' behaviors which simulate a living organism. An artificial world crowded with dots of lights and sounds, generate trough
  • ... time into colors using 4 sine functions: one for each RGB color + black.
  • Affective Enactive Rituals and The Naturalization of Technologies: “between the body and calculation, trance and algorithmArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • During his month-long residency at Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, Warren Neidich made a series of graphic, abstract musical scores, called graphic scores, that used images instead of notes, based upon found newspaper clippings and bits of text. This
  • Giving the first impression of a simple commodity sculpture "AutoGene" lures the viewer into a false sense of security which is then at the flick of a switch rapidly dispelled. The seemingly mundane umbrellas are transformed into magical animated
  • ... as being analogous to the spin of one photon at one frequency. The concept for...
  • The Wish - video
    ... but people liked it better. And no-one missed the old fussy version!" Nicole Stenger...