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  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... data space. As the art historian Alexander Dorner has...
  • ... explores a new form of live artistic production integrating on-line...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... spectacle. In the words of the artists from the SIGGRAPH '93 catalog,...
  • ... to be a place where people started to talk about their memories and...
  • ...Hewlett-Packard Pool OfficeArtist: (collective) Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang...
  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    ... of the first wave of net art, produced entirely with animated...
  • Cinema Lascado (Chipped Movie) is an going video project by Giselle Beiguelman. It portrays devasted urban landscapes, where elevated expressways produced social fractures in the cultural territory of the cities in which they were built. Till now it
  • URnotHere - video
    ... aims to discuss the landscape art in the age of images production...
  • ... production as part of their Art & Science Fellowship at GMD and KHM... namely Vannevar Bush's analogous concept of the MEMEX Memory...
  • ...The installation DIORAMATIZED #02 is part of Rudi Knoops based PhD research. The...